Lens and Cataract
- Management of Cataract with Glaucoma, Uveitis, Pterygium and small pupil
- Cataract-Weak Zonules and subluxations
- Difficult Cataract- Dealing with Hyper mature Milky and dnese Brown Cataract
- Difficult Cataract-Dealing with Posterior polar cataract and Siliconised Eye
- IOL related Issues-Repositioning and IOL Exchange
- Minimising Surgeon Induced Errors and Role of Non Dominant Hand in Phaco cataract surgery
- Nucleus and Cortex Removal-IOL placement and centration
- Overview of the course and Knowing your machine and the patient
- Phaco Accidents-Capsular Complications and Anterior Vitrectomy techniques
- Phaco Accidents-Dislocation Nuclear fragments and Nucleus in the vitreous