Acuity Eye Care Blog
The purpose of Acuity Eye Care Blog is to generate awareness about eye care services, knowledge sharing about eye care procedures and digbnostics.
Best Eye Specialist in Lahore-Acuity Eye Center
Looking for the best eye specialist in Lahore? At Acuity
Best Eye Care in Lahore-Acuity Eye Center
Acuity Eye Center offers the best eye care in Lahore,
June is Cataract Awareness Month
June marks a significant period in the healthcare calendar as
Glaucoma Awareness Month
January is recognised as Glaucoma Awareness Month, a time dedicated
November is Diabetic Eye Disease Month
November is recognized as Diabetic Eye Disease Month, dedicated to
Khyber EyeCon 2020
Khyber Eyecon 2020 Professor Zia Ul Mazhry’s Lectures 1-Strengths and
ESCRS-Vienna 2011-Comparison between Two Aspheric Preloaded IOL Insertion systems
To evaluate and compare Croma Quatrix Aspheric Preloaded IOL system
Healthy Vision Awareness Month in Urdu and English
May-2021 is Healthy Vision Awareness Month By age 65, one
Children Eye Examination and Refraction with Handheld Devices
Significance of Eye Testing in Children. Eye exams for children
Management of subluxated cataract
Focal areas of lens capsule damage can pose additional challenges during planned cataract
Information about Dilated Pupil
What to Expect When Your Eyes Are Dilated Dilated pupils are
پپو ٹوں کی سوزش سے کیا مراد ہے؟
آنکھ کے پپوٹوں کی سوجن یا ورم کو پپوٹوں کی سوزش کہتے ہیں۔عام طورپر خوردبینی جاندار بیکٹیریا اس عفونت کا باعث بنتے ہیں۔بالوں کی جڑوں
mard e nayab
مردِ نایابمردِ نایاب(ابو بن ادھمؒ)(ماخوذ) ڈاکٹر ضیاءالمظہری کی لکھی ہوئی یہ نظم نوائے وقت کے سنڈے میگزین کے ادبی صفحہ (14) پر 11 ستمبر 2021
Dry Eye (Challenges and Management)
A talk by Prof Zia ul Mazhry The Poet OphthalmologistF.R.C.S (Edinburgh) | F.R.C.S (Glasgow) | F.C.P.S (Pak), Associate Professor – Central Park Medical College Lahore
Vision Testing and subjective Refraction
A talk by Prof Zia ul Mazhry The Poet OphthalmologistF.R.C.S (Edinburgh) | F.R.C.S (Glasgow) | F.C.P.S (Pak), Associate Professor – Central Park Medical College Lahore
Glaucoma Symposia
A talk by Prof. Nadeem Hafeez Butt, Prof. Dr. Mehmood Ali and Prof. Dr. Syed Imtiaz AliJinah Hospital, FCPS, FRCS, Glaucoma Fellow, Consultant Eye Surgeon
Trabeculectomy – Dos and Don’ts
A talk by Prof. Nadeem Hafeez ButtDepartment of Ophthalmology, Jinah Hospital